The Fcc Moves To Dismantle Net Neutrality

Jonathan Shieber for TechCrunch →

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai today made good on his long-standing pledge to tackle regulations established in the last administration designed to protect the distribution of internet content.

On Tuesday, Pai distributed to the other commissioners at the FCC a draft of his suggested rule changes under the auspices of the “Restoring Internet Freedom Order.”

The move sets up a December 14 vote at the FCC that could have broad ramifications for the entire internet. Under the rules established by the Obama administration, internet providers are required to provide open access to their networks for all digital content.

I'm really sad to see the FCC going forward with their plan to dismantle the Net Neutrality protections. What's worse is that Ajit Pai seems to know full well what this will mean for the web, and seemingly no amount of public comment against his proposal can disuade him.

It seems like the only recourse we really have now is either to chip away at Ajit Pai's resolve with public comments before the December vote, or wait for some act of Congress to reverse the decision: something I can't even imagine them doing.

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Filed under: fcc, net neutrality, internet
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