California Bills To Safeguard Privacy From The Federal Government Advance

Rainey Reitman for the EFF

New state bills that would create a database firewall between California and the federal government passed out of their respective Senate committees on Tuesday. Both are headed to the Appropriations Committee and then could soon see votes by the full California Senate. If passed, these critical bills would help prevent Muslim registries and mass deportations in California and would send a strong message to the Trump administration that Californians will resist his attacks on digital liberty.

This is some much needed positive Government-related news. I have no idea how legal it is for California to directly oppose Trump's ideas, but I'm all for them. California is the most powerful state in the U.S. by economy and population; let's see what happens when that power gets put to use.

I don't know how much control California has over Silicon Valley companies and their databases, but those are arguably the most important stores of personal data in the world.

Importantly, these pro-privacy policies will outlast President Trump. Once baked into California law, they’ll safeguard the over 38 million residents of California for generations to come.

At the bottom of the EFF blog post there's ways to contact your representatives and tell them you support this measure.

California Bills to Safeguard Privacy from the Federal Government Advance →

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