
Pokemon, Gotta Catch 'em All!

Pokemon is 16 years old. That's 17 seasons, 827 episodes, and it's still airing new episodes. Wow, just wow. That blows my mind. Pokemon was such a huge part of my childhood, and to see it still going is amazing in the truest sense of the word. I watched some older episodes today, and they still look pretty good. Still though, I can't believe it's still on. I was 7 when it first aired in the U.S. and I'm 22 today (You might be thinking, "Wait, thats 15 years!" You're right, but it first aired in Japan a year earlier than here).

I'm in awe by this; Pokemon, keep going strong. If you teach kids today what you did to me, keep going forever.

P.S. Here's some of my favorite moments:

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